Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord and may perpetual light shine upon them.
I have been to two funerals in one week. Last Sunday I went to a memorial service at a Baptist church. It was for a friend of my mother-in-laws- her name was N. (don't want to put real names on the internet) She was 89. It was a wonderful tribute to a very special lady who touched many lives in her journey.
Today I went to mass of Christian Burial at my church of St. Elizabeths. It was for a man I will call D. I didn't know him that well but Tom liked talking to him after mass on Sundays. I knew his wife a little more. It was a wonderful celebration of his life which was very interesting. He was 79. I don't know many people who have received all 7 sacraments in their life time. He was a priest for 26 years then marrried in 1987 and had two daughters who are now college age.
I find comfort in the mass of Christian burial but it does bring sadness too.
So sorry to hear about your 2 friends passing, Marcia...