Tuesday, February 1, 2011


  I am thinking of the souls who were lost this day eight years ago in the Challenger disaster.  God grant them eternal life oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  We remember their sacrifice and the wonderful lives they led while on this earth. 


I remember the day of February 1st, 2003.  It was a Saturday.  I was at the computer at 8 am. and felt the window shake as from a sonic boom.  I had the news on and they reported that the space shuttle Challenger lost communication and came to find out later it had exploded during its re-entry to earth. It was going to land at Cape Canaveral in Florida.    Something  happened pretty close to the air space in Lubbock and debris from the shuttle was later found in surrounding areas.  This was just the beginning of a bad day to come.

 Tom was reading the paper while I was watching this news unfold and he informed me that one of our neighbors had died and his funeral was that day.  We didn't really know him but Tom recognized the name.  I called some other neighbors and we made plans to go to the funeral that afternoon.  Tom wasn't feeling that well so he stayed home.  In the meantime, it was also my friend Maureen's birthday and I wanted to get her a little gift so I went in search of it.  I went to the funeral then went to give Maureen her birthday gift.  I told her and husband Mike that Tom wasn't feeling well and I wouldn't be surprised if he would have to be taken to the ER before the weekend was over.  Sure enough, when I got home, Tom said he thought he should call his Dr. and before the day was over, he was admitted to the hospital. 

 Where does the gratitude come in?  I think I am grateful that I was able to be there for so many people in one day.  My heart was with the astronauts who died that day and to be at the funeral of our neighbor.  I was able to celebrate my friends birthday and then come home to take care of my husband who needed my help in getting to the hospital.  Gratitude comes in remembering.

1 comment:

  1. What a day that was for you and Tom....and thinking back, it's amazing what you can do when you have to....I really love your last line 'gratitude comes in remembering'
