Sunday, January 23, 2011


More and more I realize that everybody, regardless of age, needs to be hugged and comforted in a brotherly or sisterly way now and then.  Preferably now.

Jane Howard

I don't know who Jane Howard is but I think this is a wonderful quote that could also  be a prayer. 
I am still thinking of the people here in Lubbock who were displaced by that fire last week.  Some of the news clips showed them being hugged by family and friends as they cried when they saw their loss.  They will need a lot of help in different ways to get back on their feet but I'm sure those hugs helped at that moment. 

  I am thankful when I see a friend and get a hug from them.  I don't have anyone in my home to hug any more.  But I cling to the memories of hugs and I wish I gave Dora more hugs and that Tom would have been more comfortable in giving and recieving hugs. Dora was a good hugger!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post, Marcia....we hug when we are happy, when we are sad, when we say hello, when we say goodbye, and on other occasions,'s a cyber-hug just for you! ((<3))
